Efecte d'altitud 1, 2023
Efecte d'altitud 8, 2023
Efecte d'altitud 9, 2023
Efecte d'altitud 11, 2023
Efecte d'altitud 12, 2023
Efecte d'altitud 13, 2023
Efecte d'altitud 12.1, 2023
Efecte d'altitud 13.1, 2023
The wood and the air, 2022
Very Ancient Air, 2022
Duchamp and the vase, 2022
10+10 grams, 2022
It is easy to cross a border (if you are a cloud), 2022
Amazon Air, 2022
Luxury Air, 2022
Isolated Air, 2022
Nord (N), Sud (S), Est (E), Oest (O), 2022
Golden bubble, 2022
Everyone has their own path 1, 2020
Everyone has their own path 2, 2020
Weapon, 2019
Permanent Settlements of Desire / Control, 2019
Maybe, 2019
Up to you, 2019
Untitled, 2018
Untitled, 2018
Untitled, 2018
Blown tire, 2017-2022
Sin título, 2017
Sin título, 2017
Sin título, 2017
Artist's proof, 2014
Pep Vidal is an artist and scientist born in Barcelona, he has a degree in Mathematics from the Universitat Autonoma of Barcelona with a special interest for infinitesimal calculus, topology and infinite series. Pep also holds a PhD in Physics from the UAB and ALBA synchrotron. His thesis research is about mathematical algorithms for improving accuracy of instruments used in particle accelerators. In words of the artist: "I have two important conclusions from here: there are some extremely sensitive and complex systems; and I'm not interested in research that doesn't include my own experience and vital life in the process." His line of scientific research has also been a constant theme in his artistic body of work that encompasses artistic-scientific projects on infinitesimal changes, minimal changes that are constantly everywhere.
In recent years he has been a resident artist at Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten, Amsterdam, Hangar Barcelona, and FARE, Milan. He has won several awards and grants in recognition of his artistic work, such as GAC (Galeries of Art Catalunya) 2019 Best exhibition emerging artist, the Plastic Arts Botín Foundation International Grant, and the Montemadrid Foundation Generation Award. He has shown his work at solo exhibitions at Abrons Arts Center New York, Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya MNAC Barcelona, and Maczul, Maracaibo. He has also participated in various group exhibitions at museums and art centers, such as Fundació Joan Miró in Barcelona, CAPC Musée d'Art Contemporain de Bordeaux, and CENTRALE for Contemporary Art, Brussels. His works are part of public and private collections, such as Arxiu of the Centre d'Estudis i Documentació del MACBA, Barcelona, Documentation Center and Library of the MNCARS, Madrid, and MoMA library New York.
Cézanne y la Sainte Victoire: catálogo razonado
Pep Vidal 8 Jun - 24 Aug 2024 ADN GaleriaPep Vidal's work proposes a reflection on what is controllable and what is wild, randomness, and rules. From an ecological and scientific perspective, the artist seeks through his works a...More information -
Air de...
Pep Vidal 26 Nov 2022 - 21 Jan 2023 ADN GaleriaIn 1919, when Duchamp made his famous Air de Paris, the world in which he lived wasn’t globalized. Last year, Pep Vidal bought something online from Great Britain and it...More information -
Fingers Crossed
Group Show 14 Dec 2019 - 4 Apr 2020 ADN PlatformDivided into three sections, Fingers Crossed explores: 1) imaginative efforts by earlier artists who jumpstarted environmental awareness, 2) practical actions by contemporary artists who are fighting environmental degradation from different...More information -
5994 is just a number
Group show 10 Oct - 30 Nov 2019 ADN GaleriaWithin the framework of Barcelona Gallery Weekend 2019, we are presenting a collective exhibition with the artists who we work for; some of them since the beginning, and others who...More information -
Who wants to be an impatient gardener?
Pep Vidal 25 Nov 2017 - 8 Jan 2018 ADN GaleriaVidal soon realized that each plant required a distinct watering schedule. He developed his research in collaboration with his colleagues at the optics group in the physics department at the...More information -
From nothing to void
Pep Vidal 25 Nov 2017 - 28 Apr 2018 ADN PlatformThe words void and nothing are commonly referred to a similar concept: a lack of content in a space. When we are referring to a space with nothing, an empty...More information -
Trees, treelines and global patterns
Pep Vidal 2 Jul - 19 Sep 2015 ADN GaleriaPep Vidal, a mathematician who recently received a doctorate in physics, focuses his research on the infinitesimal changes that can happen at any time and in any place. In other...More information
Pep Vidal és el comissari de l'exposició 'A=A, B=B', a la Fundació Antoni Tàpies
Antoni Ribas, Ara December 12, 2023Pep Vidal: 'Cada vegada penso menys en la bicefàlia entre el científic i l'artista' L'artista físic és el comissari de l'exposició 'A=A, B=B', a la...More information -
Kendell Geers, mounir fatmi and Pep Vidal at Le Botanique
Les Marcel - Collection R. Patt May 24, 2023Marcel Mariën, Marcel Duchamp, Marcel Broodthaers, Marcel Vandeweyer... there is always a Marcel waiting in the wings! An engraving here, an object there or a...More information -
The air that keep us alive. Air de... by Pep Vidal in ADN Galeria
Montse Badia, A*Desk December 15, 2022Marcel Duchamp continues to be a good starting point for thinking and warning about the present. Although we should avoid mystifying him, he is a...More information -
Pep Vidal. Entre ciència i art
Conxita Oliver, El Temps de les Arts December 11, 2022ADN Galeria presenta la quarta exposició de l'artista i científic Pep Vidal que desenvolupa un treball d'hibridació en plantejar la transversalitat del pensament. La seva...More information -
Pep Vidal, Aire que no has de respirar...
Isabel Lázaro, ABC Cultural December 3, 2022El mundo del arte contemporáneo ha sido tildado de vender humo, de llevar al extremo el concepto del aura o de no tener vinculaciones con...More information -
Pep Vidal en IVAM
Los Límites del Control November 5, 2022Los límites del control, de Pep Vidal Sempere, La Vall d’Albaida 5 nov. 2022 - 5 nov. 2023 IVAM - Institut Valencià d'Art Modern CONFLUÈNCIES....More information