Même les choses invisbles se cachent : Abdelkader Benchamma

“The monolith in 2001, Odissey in Space by Stanley Kubrick, that perfect stone made by someone and all that primitive men around it. When I was a child I was really impressed by this big question and I moved this feeling to my work.”
Born in 1975 in Algeria and living now in Montpellier, Benchamma developed a deeprooted passion for drawing and artistic notions since his childhood. He was used to transfer his interests in drawing comics and investigating the unknown. He studied Fine Arts in Montpellier and Paris while already participating in some exhibitions. During his undergraduate studies he started using other media like painting and sculpture, but undoubtedly he could reach the perfect expression of his art by drawing. He grew up with the atmospheres of American contemporary authors like Don DeLillo, Denis Johnson and William Burroughs with artistic tendencies of the 70´s known at bad painting. Benchamma is an authentic virtuoso of detailed and precise work, his stylistic resource is based on drawing with a clear link to writing, giving the same importance and relevance to empty and full spaces. He establishes a poetic relationship between winding forms and the influences of Japanese calligraphy, complementing with the use of big format and site specific interventions. His methodology is the materialization in situ of his proposals, using a fresh and improvised tendency, sometimes without making any previous sketch. His personal universe stretch on situations in which nature and unidentified characters poses questions on us about absolute truths. He places us in bucolic situations where supernatural strengths surprise us. He creates unnatural movements, incongruent situations, disconcerting details; he makes us feel absurdity within enigmatic situations. Benchamma prefers making questions instead of giving answers, conferring him a unique artistic personality.