Recherche sur l’origine 1974: ADN Collection: Robert Filliou


The next September 19th, ADN Galeria inaugurates “Recherche sur l'origine 1974”, a Robert Filliou exhibition.


It’s been 50 years since Robert Filliou produced the piece Recherche sur l'origine between Berlin and Düsseldorf, which, in conjunction with Principe d'équivalence and Le Poïpoïdrome, is the artist's most emblematic triad. It is a monumental textile work of almost 84 meters long by 2.71 meters high, covered with inscriptions, symbols and drawings from the sciences, religions and myths where he claims a parallelism between universal creation and human creation processes.

Fortunately for us, and following the usual formula of the time, Filliou produced an edition of 400 copies that are not just a miniaturization of the original model. The edition includes a booklet that helps us to understand the intentionality of the piece and the decisive stages of cosmogonic creation - Big Bang, expansion and condensation, separation between matter and antimatter, the radioactive era, the distribution of stars, the appearance of white dwarfs, the birth of the sun, of the earth, of life on earth, of consciousness, etc. -thus operating a rapprochement between astrophysics and Eastern mystical philosophies and following the Tao of Physics of Fritjof Capra.


Thus, Robert Filliou leads us to a repertoire of experiences, competencies and knowledge that are within everyone's reach, and for this very reason denote a political positioning of socialist and anarchist tradition. For example, the marvelous idea of the Principle of Equivalence between the well done, the badly done and the not done, is revealed to us as antagonistic to the false emancipatory paradigm of meritocracy, distinction and strong authorship proper to modernity - read indistinctly Western capitalism.


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