Lets get physical: Carlos Aires


Opposite realities coexist and foster unpredictable springs of knowledge.

Carlos Aires is one of the artists identified in ADN Galeria as global busters; he handles processes of hybridization and an aesthetic of chaos in an inclusive way, thanks to which opposite realities coexist and foster unpredictable springs of knowledge. Aires interferes with our perception of reality through ideas crossbreeding and a conscious use of stereotypes. The dichotomy between reality and fiction, truth and falsity, naturalness and artifice, tradition and contemporaneousness become ambiguous. In Aires’ art, unity is reached precisely when these antagonistic elements meet.


In Let´s Get Physical, we face a group of works and installations in which history, tradition and Iberian idiosyncrasy are mingled with a leitmotiv in Carlos´s oeuvre: titles and lyrics of popular songs about love, relationships, memories and pain.

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